Nail Structure
The nails act as a protective cover to the delicate tips of fingers and toes. It is made of hard protein known as keratin.
Nails are composed of three important parts, a root, body and an edge. Root is that part of the nail that joins with the skin and is placed underneath the skin. Body of a nail is the centre portion of the nail that constitutes the nail plate. Finally edge is the tip of a nail that often grows beyond the finger tip.
Nails grow from the root region. As the nail grows it gradually pushes the edge of the nail beyond the finger tip. When the cells constituting the nail die, it becomes the nail plate; the outer surface of the nail. Chemically analyzed, nail plate consists mainly of a protein called Keratin and calcium.
The nail is held to the skin by the so called the cuticle. It holds the nail from its bottom side and is referred to as the eponychium. Cuticle that holds the nails from side is known as the paronychium and that which holds the nail at its edge is called the hyponychium. Cuticle is in fact a thick layer of skin itself. Nail fold is that portion of cuticle that overgrows on to the base and sides of a nail. The vital role of cuticle in holding the nail to the body is in fact the reason behind the advice not to cut the cuticles for enhanced look of your nails. Always take care to push the cuticles back rather than cutting it for cosmetic purposes.
The underside of the nail that connects the nail to the finger tip is called the nail bed. The upper most portion of the nail bed is scientifically known as lunula which is white in colour. In fact a nail is transparent in nature and it is the lunula that lies beneath the nail plate that gives the nail its white appearance.
A normal and healthy nail will grow by a centimeter in hundred days. Finger nails grow faster when compared to toe nails. Normally a finger nail takes about six months to grow completely. The growth rate of a toe nail is about fifty percent slower and it takes more than a year for a toe nail to grow out completely. Growth rate of nails is dependent on various factors and often varies from person to person depending on the age, climate, activity level and also his hereditary factors.
Like any other external organ in the human body, nails too require constant care and protection. Nails are prone to infections and if left unattended, it can lead to more serious diseases as there is every probability for the bacteria and other infectious micro organisms to enter your body through hand and mouth contact. In the circumstances proper maintenance of nails is a must to protect your general health condition. In fact healthy nails are pointers of good health. Viewed in a cosmetic angle, proper care and maintenance of one’s nail go a long way in enhancing the external appearance of the concerned person.
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