Mystery 1:
Which hair removal method really makes hair grow back thinner?
Unfortunately, none of the at-home techniques will make re- growth less dense. Although waxing may disturb the hair follicle, which could slow the rate at which stubble reappears, only electrolysis or laser hair removal can really reduce re-growth.
Mystery 2:
Why mascara always looks clumpy?
Because mascara goes on wet and sticky, your lashes tend to clump together while they dry. To avoid this, wipe the mascara wand on a tissue before applying colour. Layer on a second coat while the first is still drying. Then comb through lashes with a clean, dry mascara wand.
Mystery 3:
How much (and who) to tip at the salon?
Some long time customers tip the salon owner, but you don't have to. But you should leave your stylist a 15 percent tip. A small tip for the person/people who wash and dry your hair is also customary, although not mandatory.
Mystery 4:
Why the nails on your dominant hand seem to grow the fastest?
Since you use your dominant hand most, it is stimulated more than the other hand; the stimulation triggers increased blood flow (meaning that more nutrients get carried to the nail bed), which in turn makes tips grow faster.
Mystery 5:
The whereabouts of those shades that supposedly look great on every skin tone.
While different companies label them differently, shades that contain cool (red or blue) and warm (golden) tones like dusty rose, mocha, taupe or neutral generally suit everyone.
Mystery 6:
How to keep hair from sticking to lipstick on a windy day?
If wearing your hair back or shaving your head is not an option, applying a creamy, moisturising lip balm on top of your lipstick can add shine while cutting down on the stickiness. Or just minimise your surface area by dabbing colour on the centre of lips only (where its impact is the most dramatic anyway).
Mystery 7:
How will eight glasses of water a day help your skin?
Although the water you down doesn't flow out through your skin, leaving it dewy (keeping skin soft is best left to a thick moisturiser), it does help your body produce collagen and elastin (substances that keep skin firm). Drink too little and your skin may look saggy.
Mystery 8:
Whether you really need to buy a complete skincare regimen from one company or you can mix and match goods.
Although a certain product can help increase another's efficacy (for example, using an AHA serum can help the absorption of the moisturiser you put on top), researchers say it doesn't matter whose products you mix.
Mystery 9:
Whether facials actually improve the quality of your skin or are just a nice, relaxing thing to do.
There's no doubt that facials are extremely soothing and calming, and that's not without merits. However, as far as long-term value goes, they're like massage - good for immediate relief (to unclog pores or slough off flakes, for example), but they don't provide a lasting answer.
Mystery 10:
Why all stylists insist on blow-drying your hair after cutting it?
With bobs, it's important to see how the hair falls dry. But if your hair is layered, just tell your stylist you'd rather dry it at home.
Mystery 11:
Why people say you're supposed to switch shampoos very often?
You may want to switch shampoos if your hair texture changes due to colouring, a perm, or exposure to a different climate. But provided you're using products specially formulated for your hair type, there's no reason to stop using them after a specified period of time.
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