Do it yourself manicure
A routine manicure without fail is a must to maintain your nails beautiful and attractive. Doing manicure every now and then may appear to be an expensive affair for you. In fact it is easy to under go a manicure programme at home with the help of a few materials without much effort or money at home.
Following are the steps to be followed while performing manicure at home:
Before you start manicure always remember to remove the existing nail polish from your nails. For that you can use mild nail polish remover. Mixing a few drops of vegetable oil will help you to prevent dryness of nails caused by application of nail polish remover.
- To do a little exfoliation, you can rub your hands with a mixture of oil and sugar. You can use oils like almond, olive or any other vegetable oils. Wash it off using lukewarm water. Sugar mixed with lemon juice can also be used as a substitute to this.
- To start with your manicure, take lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of shampoo in a plastic basin. Soak your hands in this water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Take a soft brush and remove all the dirt particles giving special care and attention to the areas around and under the nail.
- To remove cuticles you can apply cuticle removing creams. After application, simply push off the cuticles using an orange wood stick. Never attempt to cut off cuticles as it may invite serious damage to nails by way of attracting infectious bacteria to this area.
A gentle rubbing of hands with a pumice stone will help you to remove dead cells from your skin.
- Now take a flat headed dead skin remover and scrub your nails to give them a shiny and smoother look and give your nails and a beautiful shape by removing dead skin from the side of your nails.
- Wipe off water from your hands using soft towel and pat it dry.
- After cleaning hands with a towel, apply some quality hand cream on your hands and nails.
- For complete relaxation of your hands, massage it gently. While massaging, clench your fist and stretch the thumb and fingers of your hands by holding it in the other hand and press all the joints with the thumb. Rub the hand while supporting it by the other to give it a smooth and shiny look.
- Now apply nail polish on your nails. To give it an even look you have to apply at least two coats of nail polish on the nails. If the shade of your nail polish is very light then go for three coats.
To apply nail polish first dip the brush in to the nail polish bottle and press it lightly against the edge of the bottle’s mouth to remove extra nail polish from the brush. Apply nail polish first in the centre of the nail. Then proceed from root to the end of the nail and then side ways. When the first coat dries up apply the second coat. This time apply the nail polish side ways and then in the middle. After application, leave the hands free to dry the nail polish.
Now you are ready with soft pretty looking hands. Here are some other tips for the better care of your hands.
- If you have dry skin, apply some quality moisturizing cream lavishly on your hands at bed time and go to sleep with cotton gloves on it.
- When you get time, apply the mask that you use for your face on your hands also.
- Dipping your fingers for about fifteen minuets in a bowl of warm olive oil will help you to soften the skin of your fingers and to nourish the cuticles.
- White vinegar is good for discolored nails. Take a cotton bud, pour two three drops of vinegar on it and rub your nails with it. Thereafter clean your nails by dipping a tooth brush in lemon juice and wash it off with lukewarm water.