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Friday, April 30, 2010

Weight Loss

Weight loss is a big thought on the minds of most people in America. Stimulants are one way people go about achieving their weight loss. Unfortunately as we get older our metabolism slows down, so eating four cheese burgers will turn into fat faster than it did when you were a child.

You want to stay away from synthetic caffeine, such as the kind you find in sodas or energy drinks. However, green tea has a natural chemical that is very much like caffeine that has none of the negative side effects. Green tea is also chock full of antioxidants which help keep your muscles and joints working well.

Diet is a big part of weight loss. If you eat the right foods, namely foods that help increase your metabolic rate, that will help you lose weight just as well as exercise would.

Consider catabolic foods, such as celery, which burns more calories than they provide the body. A catabolic food can help raise your metabolic rate in addition to exercise and other foods you eat.

Be careful when you drink diet soft drinks. Aspartame, the sweetener used in most diet drinks, promotes the formation of formaldehyde agents. Aspartame causes slow, long term damage do your body. Aspartame also stimulates the appetite. This will cause you to intake more calories and then gain weight.

Carbonation is unhealthy for the body, throwing off the pH imbalance, causing the body to become more acidic. To lose weight, the body needs to be at 7.4 ph, which is slightly alkaline. Too much acidity stops the natural detoxification process of the body and in so doing halts the fat loss of the body.

Diet drinks cause thirst and hunger. They also do more damage to your health than obesity itself. They are not a healthy alternative to aid your weight loss. Truth be told, diet sodas have the opposite affect and cause you to gain weight.

The best way to get rid of the chemicals in diet soda is to drink purified water often throughout the day.

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