Facial Massage
* master cleanse
* dry skin treatments
* facial massages
* aromatherapy oil
Giving yourself a facial massage really helps in preventing premature aging. Warming, soothing and relaxing, it helps to release tension, improve the lymphatic system and improves the circulation, as well as improving muscle tone.
The above are a few good reasons to either give yourself or treat yourself to a facial at a salon. If you go to a salon, it's a great way to relax and great pick me up for your skin. Don't worry if you have make up on as the therapist will, as part of your deep facial cleanse, remove your make up. Also included in every facial is a facial massage using some wonderful aromatherapy oils. If you decide to massage yourself, make it part of your cleansing routine before bedtime. Use one of our aromatherapy oil recipes below, choosing one to suit your skin type.
Because it is so hard to describe a facial massage I have found a very good video. In this case pictures speak so much louder and make it much easier to understand than words. Below the video is you will find our massage oil recipe to give you a salon experience, if you prefer to buy a massage oil try this one Dermalogica PreCleanse which has a wonderful fresh herb/pine smell.
Massage oil gives slip and prevents friction. Choose two aromatherapy oils and follow our recipe below.
For normal skin choose between these essential oils : lavender, rose, cypress, geranium, chamomile, geranium, rosemary, neroli
For oily skin choose between these essential oils : tea tree, manuka, lavender, ylang ylang, tea tree, petitgrain, grapefruit, sandalwood
For dry skin choose between these essential oils : lavender, cedarwood, clary, jasmine, geranium, mandarine orange, neroli, rose, petitgrain
For mature skin choose between these essential oils : frankincense, neroli, chamomile, lavender, rose, geranium
For sensitive skin choose these between these essential oils : lavender, chamomile
Home-made Facial Massage Oil
* 15ml extra virgin olive oil or almond oil
* 5 drops of your first choice of aromatherapy oil
* 5 drops of your second choice of aromatherapy oil
* Or choose 10 drops one one aromatherapy oil
Place the virgin olive oil into a dark bottle as this will help prevent the sun destroying the essential oils. Now pour 5ml of your first choice of aromatherapy oil into the bottle and then 5mls of your second choice. Put the top on the bottle, don’t shake but leave it to stand and diffuse for at least 24 hours before using.